We offer free collection on
all our scrap car collections.


We try our best to match
or beat every offer online.


We pay all our customers on collection or within the hour.


We will sort and issue
all required paperwork.

Your Nearest Car Scrap Yard

If you are looking for your nearest car scrap yard, Baxenden Car Breakers is the place to go. As a family-owned business, we strive to help you every step of the way, ensuring the process is as easy as possible. With our countless years of experience, you’ll be in good hands.

Scrapping your car is a very simple process. If your vehicle is ready for scrap, simply fill out an online form from your nearest car scrap yard for a free and quick quote. After filling out the form, one of our representatives will contact you with an offer to purchase your scrap car. While other places to scrap your car will change the offer once there, we voe to honor our offer. At Baxenden Car Breakers we don’t bait and switch, instead guaranteeing an upfront and constant price. 

We ensure that our upfront, no-haggle, price is the most competitive in the area. If you have received a better offer from another local scrap yard, let us know. We’ll do our best to either match the offer or beat it.

With a price agreement reached, we can schedule a pickup time or you can drop the vehicle off at our scrap yard. On the day of collection, our drivers will take the scrap car off your hands, regardless of its condition, and you’ll promptly receive payment.



Scrap Your Car Today! 

Baxenden Car Breakers is the best place to scrap a car near you. Don’t stress yourself out by trying to sell a beat-up car on your own. Our team specializes in buying cars that no one else wants and recycling them. 

Our company, your nearest car scrap yard, is accredited by the Environment Agency, VRAC, and Hyndburn to ensure that we carry out our recycling procedure safely and with proper care for the local environment. Additionally, there’s no need to figure out transportation logistics for no longer running vehicles as we can pick up your car for scrap and bring it to our scrap yard in Accrington.

Our Scrap Car Pickup Service

While we are primarily based out of Accrington, we do offer a comprehensive scrap car pickup service. This allows us to be your nearest car scrap yard regardless of your scrap vehicle’s location. With Baxenden Car Breakers there is no need to look for your nearest scrap car pickup, as we’ll come directly to you. Whether you’re looking to scrap your car in Lancashire or scrap your car in West Yorkshire, we have you covered.

Once you have reached a satisfactory quote for your vehicle, you’ll get a call from year nearest car scrap yard to set up a time and location for your scrap car pickup. We are able to pick up your vehicle in essentially any condition, even if the wheels have fallen off. If you happened to have misplaced the keys, we’ll still be able to work with you. With your permission, we can also retrieve your car from private property, saving you the headache of having to drag the vehicle onto public roads.

We understand that life can be hectic and it’s hard for schedules to line up. As such, we don’t require you to be at the scrap car pickup location on the day of pickup. Whether you’re at work or on the road, we can pick up your scrap car from most locations with or without you present.

That said, if you still wish to bring your car directly to us, we’ll also gladly accept it that way as well.

Digital Services

We know that scrapping your car can be an uncommon occurrence. Baxenden Car Breakers strives to make the process as intuitive and easy as possible for anyone trying to get rid of their vehicles. 

There’s no need to drag your vehicle to our physical location. Instead, just fill out a few of our online forms asking for basic information about your scrap vehicle. After submitting your form, our team will give you a call to offer you an ultra-competitive quote. If you find the quote satisfactory, we can proceed with the collection of the scrap vehicle. Once we take possession of your vehicle, you will receive a payout directly to your bank account.

This entire car scrapping process is able to finish while you sit comfortably in your home or at work.

Where Can I Scrap My Car Near Me?

Whether you are looking to scrap your car in Greater Manchester or the surrounding areas, there are plenty of places to scrap a car near you. Thanks to our pickup services, your nearest car scrap is just a call away. We offer an expansive range that includes multiple major cities and towns. If you have multiple vehicles in different locations, there is no need to look for different local car scrap yards. Our collection service will be able to reach them all, simplifying the process.

How Much Can You Get Scrapping a Car?

There are many different factors that go into the final value of your scrap vehicle. It’s important to note that not every local scrapyard will give you the same price for your car. While some others might try to pay far below what your vehicle is worth, we strive to not only match our top competitors but also beat their rates.

The primary factor in determining the value of a scrap vehicle is its weight. The more a vehicle weighs, the more materials are within it ready to be recycled. Additionally, the newer a vehicle is, the higher its worth will be, due to the more advanced materials that be found in newer vehicles. It’s also important to note that any car breakers will be looking for the presence of major parts. If parts are missing, it will negatively affect the final price. As such, it’s not advised to try and remove some of the major parts on your own.

How Many Cars Get Scrapped Every Year?

The UK averages just over 1 million cars scrapped every year. The vast majority of the materials within these vehicles are able to be recycled with a minimal amount of waste. This recycling process allows us to save on our finite resources as well as provide plenty of used car scrap parts that might be hard to find in traditional retailers. 

Contact Us!

If you have any questions regarding the process of car breaking or want to receive a quote for your scrap car, please don’t hesitate to contact our team and we’ll be more than happy to assist you. 

Second Hand Car Parts

We now stock over 45,000 used car parts on our eBay shop.

All of our car parts are carefully removed from end-of-life vehicles ensuring that the condition is maintained and then safely stored away in one of our many warehouses. View Store

Frequently Asked Questions


What is an End of Life Vehicle/ELV?Expand

An end-of-life vehicle (ELV) is any type of motor vehicle that is classed as waste. Waste is anything that you discard, intend to discard or are required to discard – including metal sent for recycling or reuse.Can I keep my private reg when I scrap my car?Expand

Yes! As long as you transfer the vehicle back to the original plates on the car when you first purchased your vehicle.Can I scrap my car without keys?Expand

Yes! We can still collect your scrap vehicle even without the keys.Do you collect cars with flat tyres or no wheels?Expand

Yes! We can collect scrap vehicles in any condition.Does my car have to be on a public road?Expand

No, as long as you have proof of ownership (Photo ID, proof of address and log book) we are able to collect your scrap vehicle from private property.Can I keep a part of my car?Expand

You can keep parts of your car but if undisclosed this may affect your price on collection. It is also worth noting that keeping a part such as the catalytic converter can seriously reduce the overall price offered for your vehicle.


When/how will my scrap car be collected?Expand

After you have received and accepted your quote we will book you in using our online booking system ScrappMate. We will work around a time that is convenient for you. The driver will then arrive at the agreed time and collect your scrap car using one of our recoveries.Can you collect my scrap car while I’m at work?Expand

Yes, if you are not available at the time of collection. We can come to some kind of arrangement to sort this for you.Can I drop the car off?Expand

Yes, you are more than welcome to drop your scrap car off at our site in Baxenden.Does the car need to be at my home address?Expand

No, the car can be collected from any address as long as we have received a valid photo ID and proof of address.


My insurance company has asked for a COD?Expand

This is no problem at all, we issue a COD on your vehicle within a week of it arriving on site, please email us with the registration of your scrap car and when it was collected, we will then email you the COD.What is a COD/Certificate of Destruction?Expand

A Certificate of Destruction is a legal document produced via the DVLA, only ATF facilities can issue these so you know your scrap car has gone to a fully licensed business.What documents do I need to scrap my car?Expand

The only documents we need are a Valid photo ID and proof of address, this can include a bank statement or utility bill, a log book is also beneficial but not needed.Can I scrap my car without a V5C?Expand

Yes! We can collect your scrap car no problem without a log book.Do I need to fill any documents in when scrapping?Expand

No, the only things you will need to do when scrapping your car is upload a PHOTO ID and proof of address to the link we send you via email. Then you will need to notify DVLA that your car is being scrapped, we will show you through the whole process on collection, it is very easy scrapping your car.How do I reclaim my unused road tax?Expand

This will be automatic if you have a log book present, if you do not have a log book you will need to notify DVLA that you are scrapping your car with Baxenden Car Breakers LTD.


How do I get paid?Expand

You will receive your payment via bank transfer or cheque if requested.When do I get paid?Expand

In most cases, you will receive payment on collection of your vehicle. Please note on occasion there may be a delay of up to 1 hour.Will you try to negotiate the price on collection?Expand

Baxenden Car Breakers, unlike other companies trying to purchase your car, offer a FIXED PRICE. This means when we are collecting your vehicle we won’t try and pay less than what was agreed over the phone providing the vehicle does not have any missing parts that wasn’t previously discussed.Why can’t I get paid in cash?Expand

It is now illegal to pay cash for your scrap car due to the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013.

Licensed By:

Envitorment Agence License
Scrap my car license 3
Scrap my car license 2